October 3rd is the BIG DAY and we are celebrating!!!
This is the day my memoir, Life After Kevin; A Mother’s Search for Peace and the Golden Retrievers that Led the Way, will be released.
It is also the seventh year anniversary of Kevin’s passing.
Why would I choose this day, of all days, to release it?
Because I wanted it to be a reminder that I can create opportunities to spread hope even on the hardest of days.
One of the many things I’ve learned since Kevin has passed is that I need to make the decision to be open to experiencing joy and celebration.
You’ll need to read the book to know how it all happened, but what I can tell you is that Kevin, Manny and Tripp guided me every step of the way.
They helped me understand that although it is important to grieve, it is also important to say YES to joy when it comes.
The epilogue’s message and title idea came from Kevin. When he was little he would say “How about yes?” when he wanted something and wasn’t sure how I would answer.
I use how about yes as my litmus test to see how something I’m considering feels in my gut. The October 3rd date felt like a yes.
Shortly after I decided, I called my publisher to give her the date, and I learned that every October 3rd is National Kevin Day!

That was my thumbs-up sign from Kevin he was happy I was inviting some light into a day that has been dark for several years.
And being able to say YES to that is certainly something to celebrate!
I never forget on October 3rd was the day I lost my son.
I never forget how hard those first days or years were.
There isn’t anything I wouldn’t trade to have him back.
But in the last seven years since his passing, I’ve made a choice to welcome joy.
I’ve made a choice that October 3rd won’t just be a day to acknowledge my loss, but to honor Kevin’s life and to celebrate all that he was and all that he gave to the world.
Honestly, I can’t think of a better way to honor all who Kevin was than the way he’s captured in Life After Kevin.
Because of his presence in this book, he gets to live on a little longer and continue to make a positive impact on this world.
Here are some additional things we are excited about:
- The three Signature talks I’ve created to present in person or online are based on the themes of my book:
- Human-Canine connection: How dogs help us in times of grief
- Continued Love & Connection Across the Veil: 10 ways to nurture a relationship with deceased loved ones
- Hiding No More: Shining a light on stigma
- The Golden Retriever Club of America’s two-page review of Life After Kevin in the next issue of the GRNews magazine!
- An online Zoom book launch party on October 11th at 7:00 pm EST! And you’re invited!
Grab your favorite adult beverage and join us on Zoom for some fun. My book coach Ally will be emceeing our time together where I will be sharing behind-the-scenes details, some of my favorite passages and inspiring takeaways. We will also have audience Q&A and giveaways!
Link to join the party on Zoom: http://www.susan-lynch.com/launchpartyzoom
- The impactful reader reviews that have been coming in:
“I introduced a friend with serious health issues to your story and gave her your book. Your gift goes beyond the story of losing a child. My friend is finding peace about life and loss as she reads your book. Thank you. ” -Deb
“…a gift to the world!” -Katherine
“…This book is for anyone that has a deep connection to their pets. It is also for anyone who believes or wants to believe, in signs from a loved one who has crossed over from this earth. -Sarah
I hope that on October 3rd you’ll be asking yourself your own “How about yes?” to something in your life you’re pondering and choose to include some joy even when life is unpredictable and hard.
Susan Lynch is a former competitive dog trainer who has been training, competing and volunteering with her Golden Retrievers since 1995. In 2020, she founded Life with Rune, a Facebook community that documents the socializing and training of her own puppy Rune. In 2021, she was awarded the Rachel Page Elliot Lifetime Achievement award by the Golden Retriever Club of America. Her memoir Life After Kevin: A Mother’s Search for Peace and the Golden Retrievers that Led the Way is available here . To learn more, visit: www.susan-lynch.com.
For socializing ideas and training tips go to the Life with Rune Facebook group and click on the Guides tab at the top of the home page.
Susan all the signs you got while creating this impaction story just shows the magic of believing in Miracles. I love bring a party of the group that watched this book form into s living testimonial to your love for Kevin. And seriously national Kevin Day how perfect. I can’t wait to read this heartfelt memoir.
Susan all the signs you got while creating this impactful story just shows the magic of believing in Miracles. I loved being a part of the group that watched this book form into a living testimonial to your love for Kevin. And seriously national Kevin Day how perfect. I can’t wait to read this heartfelt memoir.